
what’s the difference

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Classrooms facilitate learning

It is estimated that 4 million Angolan children have no opportunity for education – some “of the fortunate” school under trees, carrying their own chair, stool or can to sit on. Without a building, children learn in the hot sun, and if there is rain, cold or wind, there is no class. A school changes that and once a RISE school is complete, the Ministry of Education provides desks and chalkboards. Classrooms facilitate learning – students are more engaged, able to concentrate and serious about their studies.

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Committed teachers impact lives

Once a RISE school is built, the Ministry of Education hires and pays the teachers, as well as sets the curriculum. The teachers are ready to begin as soon as the school is dedicated. There are many challenges, with limited training, no additional books or resources, complexity with housing and transport depending on where they are placed, student and teacher absenteeism, and yet a committed teacher can have a huge impact in the lives of the children who now have a chance to go to school because of RISE’s involvement.