Lalula school

RISE raised funds to help complete a school at Lalula, in the Huila Province. The population in the area consists of approximately 8,500 inhabitants, with hundreds of children in need of safe and appropriate classrooms. The school property is large, and many primary age students attend in 9 existing classrooms, with others learning in “rooms” in shipping containers and makeshift classrooms outside against the perimeter wall.
In 2017, as part of the Initiative of the Commission of Parents and Guardians, 6 classrooms and their bathrooms were started, but funds ran out. With approximately 6,000 students from kindergarten to grade 6, the Ministry of Education, parents, and community are committed to giving these children access to education, but the school faces many difficulties and cannot accommodate them. They approached RISE, advocating for their children, and we committed to partner to complete the school.
On a team visit in March 2023, we were again told that there are about 6,000 kids at Lalula, attending in the 9 dilapidated classrooms, 13 against the outside wall, 12 under tin roofs, and 28 in shipping containers. Construction of the 6 classrooms moved forward. Rotary funded a well at the school site, and the kids are excited to have “clean, sweet water” – yet a huge need remains.
The 6-classroom school was completed and dedicated on Wednesday, December 13th. The Mayor, Principal, teachers, parents, students, and community are thrilled to have these new classrooms! There was great celebration, speeches, including the traditional student speech, excitement, and gratitude.