Bolonguera school

Mr. João Herculano Neto, the Chongoroi Municipal Administrator, a committed man with whom RISE has had a relationship over many years, requested that we partner to build a 7-classroom school in the village of Bolonguera. The school will accommodate approximately 700 students and begin to meet the huge need in the area.
Bolonguera is a remote village located 6 kilometers from the nearby town of Chongoroi, and 216 kilometers from the Provincial capital of Benguela. Many make a living by sustenance farming and raising cattle. The village has never had a school or any kind of education. Even after the war ended 18 years ago, no one dared build a school at Bolonguera, as the access was difficult, and impossible to bring in the supplies. The community has felt forgotten, but now they are very excited to see RISE coming to build a school. Adriano Huambo, our RISE Angola Country Director, shared, “This excitement was reflected by a little boy, 10 or 12 years of age, offering food, valued at 500 Angolan kwanza, and two girls bringing two chickens for our workers. They are really the first donors.” Construction moved forward amidst the pandemic since the building team works and lives at the site.
The school was completed and celebrated at a wonderful dedication ceremony on February 3rd. The Benguela Provincial Governor participated, and invited the Mayors from the 10 Municipalities in Benguela to attend and learn from the great example of partnership between RISE and the Chongoroi Administration. He went on to say that “RISE is the best partner for our Province, and for this we are thankful!” Administration and Ministry of Education officials attended, along with the community, families, teachers, and students to mark this special day! Mr. Neto gratefully shared that “without RISE we could not move forward.”
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Well drilled - funded by Willow Creek North Shore