11th of November school

The 11th of November neighborhood, located on the outskirts of the city of Benguela, has an estimated population of 52,000 people. It was expected that many would return to semi-urban and rural areas after the war, but that was not the case, with expansive growth in the capital of the Benguela Province, extending in all directions. The area is without access to water, electricity, sanitation, and educational infrastructure. The population suffers, with most living in extreme poverty.
Several thousand children have not had access to education, with only one primary school in the area. After assessing the substantial need, it was decided that RISE would build an 8-classroom school generously funded by BP Angola. BP has a long history of social commitment to the most needy communities.
The first stone was laid in a ceremony on November 26, 2020. The Benguela Municipal Administrator, Adelta Matias, shared, “We are happy because we will have a new school built by RISE Angola, a great partner. I ask residents to collaborate in this construction and that in the future they can take care of this enterprise so that it can serve many generations. The construction of this school will also make it possible for our children not to have to travel great distances to study in other neighborhoods.” The school will have bathrooms, a multipurpose field, an administrative area, a well, and a fence around the perimeter.
Construction continued throughout the pandemic since building teams live and work at the site, and quarantined there. The school was completed and dedicated on September 15, 2021, with a great celebration. The Benguela Governor, Administration and MOE officials, BP Angola President and the BP team, RISE Angola, village leaders, the community, teachers and school administration, parents, and students participated. All are grateful for the beautiful new school, and access to education for the children this year, and for many to come.